Latest Exhibition
Friedrich Plaschke
Friedrich Plaschke, the operatic bass baritone who sang for the Dresden Hofoper from 1900 to 1937.
Friedrich Plaschke (1875 – 1952), operatic bass-baritone at the Dresden Hofoper from 1900 to 1937.
Previous Exhibitions

October 2024
Chief Os-ke-non-ton (c…
Chief Os-ke-non-ton of the Mohawk Nation, who appeared in the Royal Choral Society productions of Samuel Coleridge-Taylor’s Hiawatha between 1925 and 1939.

July 2024
Maria Theresia von PAR…
Austrian composer, pianist, organist and singer who died 200 years ago.

March 2024
Sir Frederick BRIDGE (…
English organist, composer, teacher and writer who died 100 years ago.

February 2024
William WILSON
Edinburgh in four views in the mid-Nineteenth Century as shown on a musical title page.

June 2022
Iain HAMILTON (1922-2000)
In highlighting anniversaries of composers and artists, MOMH’s Exhibition of the Month has almost always celebrated those born before 1900

November 2019
Sir Charles HALLÉ (181…
Musicians all over the world heard with deep regret of the sudden death on Friday morning, Oct. 25, of the famous pianist Sir Charles Hallé, …

April 2019
Hector BERLIOZ (1803-1…
CECIL HOPKINSON: A Bibliography of the Musical and Literary Works of HECTOR BERLIOZ (1803-1869), with Histories of the French Music Publishers concerned…