Napoleon commemorations
July 2015
As a sequel to last month’s Waterloo display, we show here a selection of music commemorating Bonaparte and his various battles.
1-3. Anon : Marche de Buonaparte. Without publisher or place, [c.1797].
1. Daniel Steibelt : La Journée d’Ulm. Fantaisie. Paris, [1805]. 2. Louis Emmanuel Jadin : La Grande Bataille d”Austerlitz, surnommée La Bataille des trois Empereurs. Paris, [1806]. 3. Daniel Steibelt : The Conflagration of Moscow. Grand Fantasia. London, [1815].
1. C. Ogilvy : The Downfall of Buonaparte. Aberdeen, [181?]. 2. An artist’s impression purporting to show the two teenage Miss Balcombes (dedicatees of the following piece) dancing to Napoleon. Their father was of an official of the East India Company resident on St. Helena. A close friendship did in fact develop between his family and the former Emperor – who on their departure from the island in 1818 gave each member a lock of his hair. In 1822 that owned by Elizabeth Balcombe was mounted in a mourning ring now in the Sir John Soane Museum. 3. Charles von Boigelet: The St. Helena Waltz. London, [WM1815]. Announced in The Morning Chronicle, 1 March 1816.